Investing in the Overlooked.

Welcome to Mountain Crest Investment Partners, early-stage seed funding for innovative startups with bold visions. At Mountain Crest, we are committed to supporting diverse management teams with novel ideas, prioritizing veteran inclusion as we believe in the unique perspectives and strengths they bring to the table.

Our investment focus lies in identifying startups operating in industries with billion-dollar potential, where we see a clear pathway to achieving significant revenue growth within 3-7 years. With check sizes ranging from $400k to $2.5m, we provide the necessary capital to fuel the growth and success of promising ventures.

Diversity is at the heart of our investment philosophy. We actively seek out veteran, gender and ethnically diverse management teams, recognizing the inherent value they bring in fostering innovation and driving sustainable growth. Our dedication to supporting these entrepreneurs stems from our belief in their resilience, grit, and determination – qualities that often translate into resilient and resourceful leadership.

At Mountain Crest, we're not just investing in companies; we're investing in the potential of visionary leaders who have the drive and capability to transform industries. By championing diversity and embracing the unique qualities of veteran-led teams, we aim to create a portfolio that not only delivers impressive financial returns but also drives positive societal impact.

Join us on this journey as we pave the way for a future where diverse, resilient, and visionary leadership thrives, driving innovation and prosperity for generations to come.

Contact Us:
(855) 910-0008

Salt Lake City, Utah 84111

“I don’t look for companies. I look for Founders.”

– Masayoshi Son